CRM Migration FAQs

How to export Salesforce opportunities in csv. file?

You can export Salesforce Opportunities into CSV files in two ways: 1. Use Trujay service. It allows you to export different modules or all the modules with saved relations between records. That means if you decide to transfer your data from CSV to another platform, it will have the same connections as it had in

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You can export Salesforce Opportunities into CSV files in two ways:

1. Use Trujay service.

It allows you to export different modules or all the modules with saved relations between records. That means if you decide to transfer your data from CSV to another platform, it will have the same connections as it had in your Salesforce account.

2. Use the option Salesforce offers.

To export opportunities from Salesforce, follow the steps below:

  1. Sign into your Salesforce account and choose ‘Setup’ from ‘Settings’ drop-down box on the right side of your dashboard.
salesforce settings
  1. On the left side, press on ‘Data’ button as well as ‘Export Data’ after that. Consequently, click on ‘Schedule Export’ in the middle of the page layout.

3. Now, choose module you want to get data from, in this case, select ‘Opportunity’.


4. At this point, press ‘Export Now’. When an export is ready for download you will receive an email notification including a link that allows you to download the files.

Salesforce data export-1

Now, go ahead with the data transfer in the migration wizard.

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