What is Leadinfo?

We set specific and realistic goals for ourselves. We encourage our people to take leaps and embrace possible failures. This in combination with our laser focus and established playbook of strategies has allowed us to grow at a tremendous pace. We’ve gone from a team of two to twenty-five people and become a leading software in the Benelux and DACH region in less than three years.

Our ambitions steam from our founder, Han Kleppe, a Growth Marketer, Sales Specialist and Growth Hacker who wanted a new challenge in life and decided to take the entrepreneurial jump. His aim is to create and deliver the best lead generation software for companies that want to grow. Because if you want to grow, we want to put the odds on your side.

However, we understand that growth is not only about big ideas, it’s also in the details. This notion is rooted in our product, our development goals and company culture and benefits. As we want to enable our partners, clients and people to achieve more.

What’s next for Leadinfo? Well, we’re just getting started. We aim to empower all businesses to grow and fill their sales pipeline with high-quality leads so they can keep their head above water and compete on better terms. We want to help brands optimise their sales efforts so that they can focus on what matters: building relationships.

To achieve this, we will keep growing ourselves. From our data quality to our unique features, we will not settle for the status quo. We aim to win.

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Flowbird Ltd

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